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A day at Nursery

The foundations of a Montessori day lie in a routine that our children can become comfortable with, but within which they have the flexibility to stretch their wings, discover new opportunities to learn, independently engage with their interests and socialise with their peers.


Whether your child attends a full or half-day session,  a typical session at our nursey has these key components:

Drop off

Outdoor play

Circle time

Snack time


Pick up

Drop off


At drop-off, children are given a warm greeting by a staff member. Our handy cloakroom will store any outdoor clothing or care items needed for the day in drawstring bags.

Outdoor Play


This time outside allows children to develop their enjoyment of outdoor exploration and engage in physical activity important for healthy growth and development. We have access to an enclosed play area and a wider playground where children can use a range of resources to develop their gross motor skills.



Circle / Group Time

Once we come back indoors we dedicate time to communicating as a group. After our welcome songs, we share what we have been doing, stories about our home lives, family and friends, and any chatterboxes that the children have brought in.





We encourage bringing in a selection of healthy fruits and vegetables that your child can enjoy as a snack if they wish during the session



Independent Play

Core to the Montessori philosophy is the ability for children to direct their own play and inspire their own learning. To support this the Montessori environment invites children to choose activities that both support their interests and enable them to develop their skills.



Pick up


At the end of the session, we'll pass on any information you need to know about your child's time with us, as well as anything they want to take home. You'll be able to keep updated about your child's learning achievements and progress in their online learning journal. You can also share with your child's keyworker about important changes or milestones you’d like to make us aware of.






Lunch is a social affair. You can pack your child a lunchbox or hot meals can be ordered in advance (provided by the adjoining primary school). As a Healthy Tots nursery, we support parents to provide a healthy lunchbox, with information on hand about making healthy choices


If your child has a routine of naps in the day or is just feeling particularly tired, we have sleep areas in the classroom ready to provide some calm.

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